Amazon, Social Media, Goodreads - creating reviews correctly How do I create a review and what do I need to bear in mind?

Would you like to review romance novels, crime novels, thrillers, fantasy, science fiction or historical novels? Check out our FAQs for ebook reviews


Which books can I review?

We regularly send out review offers for our new releases. If you are a member of our reviewer team or blogger team, you will receive offers for the genres that interest you. If you are not yet a member, you are welcome to register here.

Are you interested in an ebook for which you have not received a review offer? Then contact or contact us via chat in the reviewer dashboard.


How detailed should my review be?

Ideally, a review should consist of a short summary of the book - without giving too much away - and your personal opinion. How did you like the book? Why did you like it or why didn't you like it? What was special about it?

Please substantiate your personal rating with comprehensible arguments and round off your review with a summarising conclusion.

Of course, you can also include creative ideas and your background knowledge in your review.


In what timeframe should I write my review?

Please send us your link(s) to your review within 4-8 weeks if possible. Use our review form for this. We will send a reminder every 4 weeks to remind you that your review is still open.


On which platforms should I publish my review?

You can publish your review on your blog. You can also publish it on other platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, Instagram, etc.

It would be a pity if you only published your review on one platform (after all, you put a lot of effort into writing it).


How can I send you my review links?

You can send us your review links via our review form. It's quick and easy, and every submission automatically enters you into our monthly competition to win a £10 Amazon voucher! 


What does the publisher do with my book review?

By sending us the link, you agree that we may quote from your review for marketing purposes (stating the source, of course). If you publish your review on Facebook & Co. you are welcome to link to us.

You can find us here: Facebook and Instagram 


Where can I get suitable graphic material for my blog?

You can download the covers from our website or send an email to or contact us via chat in the reviewer dashboard. It is important that you link to our homepage or our ebook page in your contribution.


What format do the review copies have?

For ebooks, we will send you a download link in epub format.


Can I review more than one book at the same time?

If several of our books interest you and you have enough time available to write timely reviews, then there's nothing to stop you.


I get reminders even though I've already published my review.

If you have already sent us your voucher link(s) but are still receiving reminders, please send us a short message to or contact us via chat in the reviewer dashboard. Sometimes information gets lost or disappears in the depths of the internet ;)


I applied for a review copy, but didn't receive one.

Sometimes it happens that our emails with the download links for the ebook disappear in the spam folder. Have you checked there yet? If not, write us an email at or contact us via chat in the reviewer dashboard and we will send you a new review copy if necessary. 


I need more time for my review - who can I contact?

If you have a lot on your plate at the moment and it takes longer than planned to read or listen to and review the book, please let us know at or contact us via chat in the reviewer dashboard so that we can make a note of it.


What happens if I don't publish the review?

If you have not published your review within 16 weeks and have not given us any feedback, we will assume that you are no longer interested in reviewing our ebooks. We will not send you any further review copies.


What happens if I don't like a book?

It's not a bad thing if it happens once. After all, tastes are different, but a total write-off doesn't help anyone. Keep your review objective and explain why you didn't like the book. After all, feedback and constructive criticism are important for our authors to develop and improve their future ideas. If you don't want to write a bad review or no longer want to read the book, please let us know at or contact us via chat in the reviewer dashboard so that we can remove you from the reminder list for the reviewed book.


Who can I contact if I have a question?

If you have any questions or feedback for us, you can write to us at any time via the chat in your dashboard or at